En av tre kvinner på planeten vil bli voldtatt eller slått i hennes levetid.
En milliard krenkede kvinner er en grusomhet.
En milliard dansende kvinner er en revolusjon.
One Billion rising er en global bevegelse for å stoppe vold mot kvinner og jenter.
14 februar 2013, inviteres 1 milliard kvinner og de som elsker dem til å gå ut, danse, RISE UP, og kreve en slutt på denne volden.
Eve Ensler er forfatter, dramatiker, artist og aktivist. Hun har skrevet "The Vaginal Monologues" som har blitt utgitt på 48 språk og oppført i over 140 land. Hennes siste arbeid "I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life Of Girls Around The World" ble utgitt i bokform og toppet New York Times best selger liste.
Eve legger det frem slik:
"One Billion rising is like a Feminist Tsunami. An energetic rearrangement of our universal chemistry. The biggest volounteer action, maybe ever, of women across the planet. A collective remembering of who we are and a calling back of our authentisity. A world dance shaking up our original energy and wisdom. 177 countries have allready signed up. We have no idea what can and will happen when one billion women, and all the men who love them, dance on the earth, on the floor of Mother Earth on the same day. One Billion Rising. I have been thinking about the word "rising".
To rise is to stand up,
get higher,
grow larger,
be buildt,
appear in the sky,
be resurrected,
stand upward,
intensify emotionally,
grow louder,
rebell or riot,
that we will not remain unseen,
that we will not be held back or held down!"
One Billion Rising
A global strike
An invitation to dance
A call to men and women to refuse to participate in the status quo until rape and rape culture ends
An act of solidarity, demonstrating to women the commonality of their struggles and their power in numbers
A refusal to accept violence against women and girls as a given
A new time and a new way of being
Bli med! Jeg skal.
~ Tine ~
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